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Online Exclusive
Online Exclusive
Online Exclusive
Online Exclusive
Miami Dade college - eduardo j. padrón
627 SW 27th AVenue Miami, Florida 33135
Do I Have a Mental Health Illness?
By Dr. Miriam Frances Abety, Psychology Professor, Padrón Campus
The majority of us are experiencing many of the same feelings mentioned above. We are in a very challenging time as we agonize over the COVID-19 pandemic and its tsunami effect that is plundering societies with dis-ease everywhere. All you see in cable news is about the virus, and it fills us with much sadness and at times joy, from watching the positive side of us. We focus on the hope, that soon, our new normal will go away—along with the virus. We are burned out from the news, the deaths, and the increasing numbers of cases—so please note—it is normal to have some or many of these symptoms during this crisis.
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